26 December 2021


On November 20, 2021, The Lungs of the Earth, for which I created the music, premiered in Budapest. 


The performance was created in collaboration with choreographer Magda Niedzielska and Central Europe Dance Theatre.

The Lungs of the Earth explores themes related to the movement, presence and breathing of plants, especially trees. It refers to a world that does not operate with words. In the process I draw inspiration from plant research. I am interested in movement in connection with air, the imersality of breath, the connections between trees. Through movement I try to express the ways in which trees are present in the world, their immersion in the environment. I treat breath as a common ground connecting human and plant. In my search, I am inspired by texts from the book "The life of plants" by Eduardo Coccia. 
„Breath is not only air in motion; it is lighting, unveiling, means of revelation. It is logos, language, reason. Plants are the breath of all living beings, the world as a breath. It is a rhythmic movement, regular and tireless, a wave without noise that goes to the limits of the horizon and comes back to us, to brush against our bodies and to explode into our lungs. Everything is a repetition, intensification and variation of what takes place in breath.”

Premiere in Central Europe Dance Theatre, Budapest


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