The premiere of the Humanimal performance for which I composed and performed live took place on 27 and 28 November at 18.30 in the Tadeusz Kantor's Art Documentation Centre Cricoteka (ul. Nadwiślańska 2-4 in Krakow) as part of the Rollercoaster. Experience Collectors | Young Experience Creators. The performance is inspired
  On November 20, 2021, The Lungs of the Earth, for which I created the music, premiered in Budapest.  The performance was created in collaboration with choreographer Magda Niedzielska and Central Europe Dance Theatre. The Lungs of the Earth explores themes related to the movement, presence and breathing of plants, especially
On November 20, 2021 I took part in a concert of students of the Ignacy Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznan.  The Jazz Ensembles Concert has become a regular event in the calendar of events hosted by the Department of Jazz Instrumental and Vocal Performance. Its idea is to present




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